Whether you think you can, or you think you can't---either way---You're right!
When I heard this quote the other day (by someone famous but I don't know who), I fell in LOVE with it. It is SOOOOO right on.
The only thing limiting you is your own MIND. What you believe you can do. Sure, you can't fly...that's the law of gravity. But I'm talking about perserveance and determination here.
If you're a fan of Biggest Loser, think about Dina with that dang box she "couldn't" jump onto. Sure she could have done it...EASILY...but she didn't THINK she could...so she couldn't.
Don't limit yourself. Dream Big...then KNOW you can DO IT!
I've learned something about this Beachbody coaching....I can cheer you on and send you recipes and e-mail you every day and ask how you're doing ...but you have to WANT it for yourself. You have to have the DRIVE within...because I can't be there to physically get you off your couch and make you move. I hesitate to even try to talk someone into buying a program like P90X or Insanity when I can hear it in their voice that they really aren't committed. I know this one person...they want to be fit and to lose weight so bad....and they are always asking for my help...but everytime I tell them what to do, they don't do it. A few weeks will go by and they'll get miserable again and then ask me to "PLEASE HELP ME" again. There is only so much I can do for you. I wish I could come to your house and work you out every day...but that's not realistic.
There were years that I "wanted to lose weight sooo bad" but I didn't want to actually DO the work to get the results. Then one day I woke up and I had had ENOUGH. Like seriously, I was TICKED OFF and I had a FIRE inside. I put on my shoes, drove to the gym, signed a contract and the rest is history. From that very day on, I have worked out consistently and regularly and that's been over 5 years now. I'm not exactly sure what flipped my switch. I just know that I was at the end of the rope. I had to change and it had to be NOW.
When you get to that point and you know--that you know--that you know--that this is IT.
Call me. :o)
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5 years ago
Right on point today. great post. No one can start the fire for you, they can only show you what it looks like. When you are ready, it will light.
Great post. It's so true! People can root you on and support you all they can, but unless YOU pull your arse up and get movin', success won't be yours (and I say that in general, I'm not talking directly to you Jen! I know you've got plenty of motivation to keep it up!). Something. Someone. Some event will ignite that fire. For me, it was a family member calling me out on my weight gain (50 lbs.) . . . and then the humiliation I felt for not only them telling me, but for the thoughts people must have had about my weight and just never said b/c they didn't want to hurt my feelings like this person did. Turns out - I credit much of my success to them just being honest with me and not sparing my feelings. They knew I could do better and I needed to be put back on track! I never wanted to feel that low or out of control again!
glad your switch got flipped :)
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